Quotes by Antoine François Prévost (Abatele Prevost)

0 quotes by Antoine François Prévost (Abatele Prevost)

Antoine François Prévost (Abatele Prevost) - french prose writer, one of the forerunners of the modern French novel

Antoine François Prévost (Abatele Prevost)
Also known as: Abatele Prevost.
Also called: Prévost d'Exiles.
Was born on 01 apr 1697.
Died on 23 nov 1763, at 66 years old.
Origin country: France
Biography: Antoine François, Abbe Prévost d'Exile (known as Abbe Prévost, b. April 1, 1697 – d. December 23, 1763) was a French prose writer, one of the forerunners of the modern French novel.