Everything stays in the power of heart and no people, no...

Quote by Ugo Foscolo about feelings, sky, change, power, heart, people

Everything stays in the power of heart and no people, no... - Ugo Foscolo, quote about feelings, sky, change, power, heart, people

Everything stays in the power of heart and no people, no sky, not even our interests can ever change.

Ugo Foscolo
Quote by Ugo Foscolo about feelings, sky, change, power, heart, people.
Ugo Foscolo

Ugo Foscolo 1778 - 1827, italian poet and revolutionary

Also called: Niccolo Foscolo.
Was born on: 06 feb 1778.
Died on 10 sep 1821, at 43 years old.
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