Let us be happy and cheerful Let us be happy and cheerful...

Let us be happy and cheerful

Let us be happy and cheerful
And rejoice in the Lord!
Jolly, jolly, tralera-lera,
Soon Nicholas Eve is here!
Soon Nicholas Eve is here!
Then I put the plate out
Nick’ll surely put somethin’ on it.
Jolly, jolly, tralera-lera,
Soon Nicholas Eve is here!
Soon Nicholas Eve is here!
When I sleep then I dream:
Now Nicholas brings me something.
Jolly, jolly, tralera-lera,
Soon Nicholas Eve is here!
Soon Nicholas Eve is here!
When I rise (in the morning)
I dash quickly to the plate.
Jolly, jolly, tralera-lera,
Soon Nicholas Eve is here!
Soon Nicholas Eve is here!
Nicholas is a good man
Whom we can’t thank enough.
Jolly, jolly, tralera-lera,
Soon Nicholas Eve is here!
Soon Nicholas Eve is here!

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